
Botanical painting. Russula

Master class is taught by Alexander Vyazmensky

Painting Russula mushrooms from life and understanding botanical painting


All familiar mushrooms have their own colour. And only the currant mushrooms have a variety of colours, their combinations and shades. And on paper, bogs look joyful and, like flowers, beg for bouquets. Drawing them is a great pleasure. 

"Cheeseberries are the flowers of the forest. Their meaning is to decorate the forest and please our eyes.
Sheet layout. How to determine the place and angle for each mushroom.
Drawing with a pencil. General contour and borders of different surface.
The first layers of paint. From light to dark. 




On this course you will learn
  • Blends for neutral tones.
  • Shadows. Boundaries of surfaces. Visual perception of boundaries. Accentuating the play of colour.
  • From the general to the particular. Moving on to details. Fine washes. Dry brush.
  • Textures. (In the case of the rawhide, drawing plates).
  • Brushing out the outline and etc.

Lectoroom is a unique online school of painting, drawing and illustration. Based on the author programs of the teachers with whom we cooperate, here you will learn a lot of new things in different techniques. When, where and how much. It's all online.

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2 lectures

Available on all tariffs
Botanical painting. Russula. Part 1 1 h 52 min

Available on all tariffs
Botanical painting. Russula. Part 2 2 h



Alexander Vyazmensky

Alexander Vyazmensky