Image from an online drawing lesson «Draw sea and sails watercolor»  from Julia Barminova

Master class
«Draw sea and sails watercolor»

Discover the famous technique of traveling watercolorist.


How many times have you got your breath taken by the beauty of sea waves? And how many times you wanted to paint sails, light and colors of the surface? All these sailing ropes, fishing tackle. You can almost hear cries on seagulls by now, right?

Image on Master class «Draw sea and sails watercolor»  from Julia BarminovaImage on Master class «Draw sea and sails watercolor»  from Julia BarminovaImage on Master class «Draw sea and sails watercolor»  from Julia Barminova


But how many times have you tried to acquire just the right technique to get the results you wanted? That is exactly the answer that you will find here!

Julia Barminova is a watercolor artist that visited more than 50 different port cities over the world looking for new seascapes and inspiration. And on April 11th she will start broadcasting her first online workshop in English. How to get the best image of water, the spirit of port and all the nuances of watercolor technique will be the main topics of this online class.

The most important part is that you will learn to paint water effectively not only in studio but also outside in your travels and on pleinairs.




1 lecture
Available on all tariffs
Icon «Seas and sails (WORKSHOP PROGRAM here)» from the course 5 hours


– Introduction of the materials: paper, brushes and paints;

– Analysing the important watercolour aspects, which are necessary for depiction of water using the technique La Prima;  

– Several levels of gradation of the sea complicity; variety of reflections, search for light and contrasts;

– What you should pay attention, when choosing the subject and how to look for the life model in the port and the seaside;

– Watercolor work in genre “Seascape” in 4 parts: waves, reflections, sailboats and background;

Image of the course program «Draw sea and sails watercolor»

Necessary materials


100% cotton paper 300gr FIN (not rough or satin)
Recommended sheet size 28x38cm or 31x41cm

I like Arches Grain Fin 300gr or Winsor&Newton Grain Fin 300gr


Big round squirrel brush – size 6-8; smaller round synthetic brushes with sharp point – size 4-6; soft flat brush (pony, goat, or synthetic for watercolor) – size 30-40.


  • Phthalo Blue PB15
  • Phthalo Green PG7
  • Cadmium Orange PO20
  • Gamboge PY150/PO48
  • Indanthrone Blue  PB60
  • Cobalt Blue PB28
  • Quinacridone Rose PV19
  • Neutral Tint RBk6/PV16

Painting board, masking tape, tissue and water container.





Study the material for 3 months. The ideal rate to quickly master the material and collect new skills in a short time.
22.8 $
-50% 45.5 $
Discount ends in
6 months of comprehensive learning. Strike the perfect balance between depth and duration, giving you ample time to master the material and build lasting skills.
27.6 $
-50% 55.3 $
Discount ends in
A full year of learning. Get ready for an intensive journey to learn new skills and deep dive into a full year's worth of education
32.5 $
-50% 65 $
Discount ends in


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