Image from an online drawing lesson «Botanical painting. Withered leaf»  from Svetlana Lanse

«Botanical painting. Withered leaf»

One of the trends in modern botanical painting is the beauty of withering nature. Dried berries, cobweb of autumn leaves, dried fruits. We suggest starting your acquaintance with these stories from a dry sheet of complex shape in a restrained color.



Plots with dry nature have a number of characteristic features: usually, they are expressive in form (imagine dried rose hips) and limited in color.

In this lesson, Svetlana Lance will tell you how to work with complex, twisted or deformed volumes in drawing and color, as well as how to correctly place color accents using only 5-6 similar colors. At first glance, the task may seem difficult, but in just 38 minutes of the lesson, together with the author, you will write a spectacular dry sheet and work out the necessary skills.

In a programme

  • Preparatory drawing: format, layout on the sheet, search for the form.
  • How not to yellow the leaf and achieve a natural color
  • Reflex distribution and first fill
  • Elaboration of veins and denticles
  • Working with round volumes
  • How to make a leaf look natural
  • How to color-separate curled edges from the main body of the sheet and increase the volume
  • What details are worth highlighting to enhance the realistic effect
  • Final shading





2 lectures
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Icon «Useful materials. Withered leaf» from the course

Svetlana has made a Pinterest board for you to watch

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Icon «Botanical painting. Withered leaf» from the course 38 min

In 40 minutes you will write a realistic dry sheet of complex shape

Image of the course program «Botanical painting. Withered leaf»

Necessary materials

Watercolor Winsor & Newton: ultramarine, red ocher, yellow ocher, burnt sienna, sepia, natural sienna, golden ocher. Some paints can be replaced with White Nights watercolors

The most versatile paper that fits all Saunders Waterford Hot Pressed 300gm. If you are just starting your acquaintance with botanical painting and are not yet used to smooth papers:

  • Arches Fin 300 gm
  • Canson Moulin du Roy fin 300 gm
  • Bockingford fin 190 и 300 gm


  • Arches Satin 300 gm
  • Canson Moulin du Roy Satin 300 gm (back side)
  • Canson Moulin du Roy fin 300 gm (back side)

It is enough to buy one medium synthetic brush with a sharp tip and it is suitable for both fills and details. The brush can be selected from the following brands:

  • Escoda Perla
  • Pentel "Aquash Brush"
  • other

I advise against: brushes by Mr Painter
Columns for small veins: Nevskaya Palitra with white handle # 2 or # 3


Study the material for 3 months. The ideal rate to quickly master the material and collect new skills in a short time.
5.3 $
-50% 10.5 $
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6 months of comprehensive learning. Strike the perfect balance between depth and duration, giving you ample time to master the material and build lasting skills.
6.4 $
-50% 12.8 $
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A full year of learning. Get ready for an intensive journey to learn new skills and deep dive into a full year's worth of education
7.5 $
-50% 15 $
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